God’s Wealth of Wisdom

October 16th, 2012

RG AUDIO 101612

Job 38:8-18

Picture the interrogation room at a police precinct, or an attorney hurling questions at an accused person or at a witness. It can be a very intense scene. This is what it must have been like for Job. He was being hammered. Job’s only response to what God asked would have been, “I don’t know.”

Humans continue to search for answers about creation. There are also many questions about ourselves we have failed to answer. Our Creator’s knowledge is so precise that he knows the number of strands of hair on our heads. In light of our limitations and God’s limitless knowledge, we have an opportunity to demonstrate unwavering confidence in him.

Admission of our ignorance opens the door to God’s wealth of wisdom to us. We need not feel defeated by admitting that we are weak and ignorant. It is in admitting our state of emptiness and barrenness that we are now ready to receive from his fullness.


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One Response to “God’s Wealth of Wisdom”

  1. Barbara Says:

    October 16th, 2012 at 8:35 am

    The little acronym of EGO “edges God out” of the equation.

    “Confession is good for the soul” because it gets the lies out of our heart (allowing the Holy Spirit to occupy more of its chambers).

    Job was “blameless;” but maybe so much so that his pride edged God out of the life he was living..

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