Not The Best Day

October 4th, 2012

RG AUDIO 100412

Job 3:1-7, 20-26

It sounds like it’s over for Job. Up until now he has done well. He’s resisted his wife’s bad advice. As his friends sat with him, he held it together. But he is clearly at the end of his rope. Do you understand Job? I do. I’ve been there. Perhaps you have too. What was it for you? Was it that dreaded word, cancer? Did your job end or your marriage fall apart?

So, what is it that you do when you get to the end of your rope? When there is no end to the dark tunnel you are trapped in, let alone a light at the end of it, to whom do you go?

There really is no quick fix answer to situations like Job’s or yours, is there? In the midst of coming to the end, isn’t it okay to be honest and admit you’ve had all you can stand? I don’t know your answer. I do know who the answer is. God. Holding on at the end of the rope, may seem impossible, but if you will ask, God will hold your hand to that rope. I know. And the tunnel does end–in light.


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