To Die In Faithfulness

July 26th, 2012

RG AUDIO 072612

1 Samuel 31

There are many ways that people die: accidents, disease, war, natural disasters, and old age. But the saddest reason for death is from unfaithfulness to God. When a soul is lost and separated from God, options appear to narrow. Saul’s dedication to his own will drove him to spiritual desolation, despair, and even to taking his own life.

What if Saul had seized God’s graciousness and turned back to the King of the Universe? Many times before God had relented from final destruction of willful people when they repented and turned back to him. God’s grace is indeed extended even to the point of suicidal desperation.

Despite the living truth that God will always be faithful in spite of our faithlessness, Saul took his life. Saul stopped unfaithfully short of God’s grace.

There are many ways that people die. May we die in faithfulness to our faithful God, not in unfaithfulness to him.


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