Ever Feel Like Quitting?
July 14th, 2012
1 Samuel 19:8-17
Recently I ran in–or should I say, I survived–the Chicago Marathon. Under grueling 90-degree heat, my pace slowed to a walk for the second half. It wasn’t pretty, but I endured to the end!
David’s story was much like a marathon. After bursting out of the starting blocks with his victory over Goliath, he suddenly faced the jealous rage of King Saul. Thirteen chapters of 1 Samuel follow the fugitive as he fled from town to town, cave to cave. At times David must have felt like quitting, but in the end he could testify, “The Lord preserves the faithful” (Ps. 31:23a). God sustained David all the way to the finish line!
The Christian life, too, is a marathon. There are brief moments of glory, but most of the time it’s a slow, steady walk. Just when we feel we can’t go on, God provides strength for the next leg of the race. So don’t ever give up!