But Are You a Christian?
June 5th, 2011
Romans 2:17-29
The Jews perhaps listened comfortably as the first chapter of the letter to the Romans was read. “Godlessness,” “wickedness” and “idolatry” were Gentile sins. Paul soon addresses them directly, “Now you, if you call yourself a Jew . . .” (2:17). Their sins were stubborn disobedience, hypocrisy, and substituting ritual for the reality of a transformed life. Jew or Gentile, “There is no one righteous, not even one” (3:10).
At a large evangelistic meeting a minister friend went forward during the invitation to support a church member. They became separated in the crowd. As the minister was looking, a crusade counselor came up and asked, “Are you a Christian?” “I am a minister,” he exclaimed. “But, are you a Christian?” the counselor pressed.
Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” (John 21:17). No rite or ritual provides an adequate response. “Lord, I truly love you with all my heart, soul and life,” is the only acceptable answer.