Angry At Grace

May 28th, 2011

RG AUDIO 052811

Luke 15:25-32

He worked hard for his father, yet felt unappreciated. Rather than welcoming his brother home, the “good” son reacted with anger, “My brother has blown your money and disgraced the family. So you give him a party? When did you ever give a party for me?”

We can understand the older brother’s feelings, because we sometimes voice the same attitude.

God’s grace is difficult to comprehend. He loves the prodigals just as much as he loves those who serve him all their lives. The point of the parable is not to answer every question, nor to justify the behavior of the prodigal son. The theme is to illustrate the encompassing grace of a loving father.

When we first come to Christ, we plead for his forgiving grace. When we feel unappreciated, we depend on God’s accepting grace. When we struggle to make sense of it all, we ask for God’s empowering grace.


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