Prayer For Mission & Evangelism

May 22nd, 2011

RG AUDIO 052211

2 Thessalonians 1:3-12

Since moving to our home, I have tried to grow a garden, without much success. The problem was my lack of commitment to learn what needed to be done to make a good garden. I spent little time doing the hard labor of preparing the soil. Last year, I tried again with a smaller portion. I did the necessary work and had some good results.

Paul asked the Thessalonians to pray for the spread of the gospel. Most of us would like to see people come to Christ and become part of a growing congregation. We want revival in our personal lives, families, churches, and neighborhoods. We would like to see people saved and sanctified, but are we willing to do to the work so our hopes can become reality?

Do we pray for those spreading the gospel? Do we pray for others to turn their lives over to God? Do we contribute our time, money, and talents to the cause of the gospel? Let’s get involved in creative ways to spread the message of Jesus Christ.


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