October 15th, 2010
Genesis 40:9-15
One of the most freeing and frustrating truths of Scripture is that God created us with a need for other people. We see it with Adam when God declares it is not good for the man to be alone. We hear it again in Paul’s teaching on spiritual gifts. God usually delivers our need through other people.
That is difficult for those who’ve been raised in a culture that holds independence as the highest mark of maturity. “I can stand on my own two feet. I don’t need anybody.” If Joseph had held to such a belief, he would have missed the gift God sent through the cupbearer. Joseph saw God’s gift in this fellow prisoner. God would use this man’s story as the pathway through which Joseph’s freedom would come.
Take a look around you. Who has God placed in your life? How will God use these people in your faith journey? How does your faith story intertwine with theirs? Don’t buy the lie that you are strongest when you can stand on your own. You are strongest when you link spiritual arms with others and walk together into God’s plans.
October 15th, 2010 at 10:13 am
That’s a loud AMEN!