Unconditional Love

September 15th, 2010


1 John 3:7-18

The flames jumped from the fireplace onto the woven grass mats and began to attack the walls. A neighbor shouted, “House on fire! House on fire!” Lucy, who had left her baby asleep for only a few minutes to go to the vegetable market across the street, heard the alarm. Panicking at the sound of her baby crying, she paid little attention to the roaring fire as she entered the burning hut to rescue her baby. Unconditional love gave Lucy the courage to save her baby.

We recognize that unconditional love by observing the way Jesus lived His life. Christ not only gave His life on the Cross to take away our sins, but He gave himself to us that He might live His life through us. He calls us to love one another and to be merciful to others, no matter how they treat us. He invites us to do more than just say the words of love. He asks us to show His unconditional love in action.

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One Response to “Unconditional Love”

  1. Pastor Brian Says:

    September 15th, 2010 at 8:20 am

    You know… it’s funny that this is the topic today. Here at NBNaz, we just kicked off a new initiative, what we’re calling “The Live Real Love revolution.” The new focus is about showing God’s radical and life-changing love to those around us in our community. http://www.LiveRealLove.com
    Thanks for the excellent podcasts! I’m brand new to the ReflectingGod site, but have heard great things. God bless!

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