A Reason To Glory

June 8th, 2010


Linda attended church less than four times as a teenager. She had it rough. Her mother deserted her when she was a baby. Her dad was raising her with help from her grandmother. One night after supper, Linda saw her 42-year-old dad die of a heart attack.

Linda said, “I felt I could never go on living because Daddy was all I really had.” At the funeral, hope rose within her. That following Sunday at church, she found Christ. She said, “I lost my earthly father, but I found my Heavenly Father.”

Soon sanctified by the Spirit, she began demonstrating “the power of the Spirit”.
Without family funds, she attended college. She married a young Christian man. On an average Sunday today, you’d see a dozen kids from broken homes clustered around her, drawing strength from her Christlike love.

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