Christ Made Known Through Me

April 29th, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:1-6

When the apostle Paul told the people of Corinth about the world-altering, good news of Jesus Christ, he did so in humility and fear, yet with a confidence that was beyond himself. Paul’s life transformation was the result of the risen Christ meeting Paul right where he was on that road to Damascus. All Paul knew was the reality of his own testimony. That was enough because the Spirit of God was in it.

I wonder if there are times we’re called to share of the risen Christ and the love of God we’ve come to know, but we are afraid. Like Paul, we do not have “wise or persuasive words” others may expect to hear. But as Paul sought nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the power of the living God was made known in and through Paul. The same is true for each of us. 

As we sincerely seek Jesus Christ with all that we are, the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit will be made known in and through each of our lives—thought, word, and deed—as we live for Him. 

Author: Edie MacPherson

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