The Gift of Jesus

January 7th, 2023

Philippians 3:7-14

Philippians 3:4 has been used in a wide variety of metaphors and analogies to encourage believers in their journey of faith. The vivid imagery of heaven being a prize or a mansion or streets made of gold is inspiring, but perhaps sometimes, the vivid imagery hides the real treasure: Jesus.

When I think of my happiest spaces, they are moments with the people that I love doing the things that we love to do together. If there is any way that I want to spend my eternity, it is being together with Christ and with those who Christ has given to me to love. For me, that looks likes all of my people gathered around a big table with Jesus in the center telling us stories and laughing together. I think if we could really get hold of what it was like to be present with Jesus—the flesh and blood, eating and laughing and bear-hug Jesus—mansions and gold and prizes would fade away.

Who are you striving to be with today?

Author: Teanna Sunberg


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