Grateful Love

February 11th, 2022

RG AUDIO 021122


1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica had been remarkably fruitful. He, Timothy, and Silas had gone there after a very tumultuous experience in Philippi. In a matter of weeks there was a wonderful response of many Thessalonians to the message of Jesus. When you read the letter you sense that in a short period of time a deep and abiding affection had formed between Paul and the new believers.

The transformation of the Thessalonian Christians was evidenced by their faithful, love-driven service to Christ and the Church. God’s people are uniquely motivated to serve others. It is in the very “DNA” of the gospel.

In his commendation of the Thessalonians, Paul said that they had become imitators of Paul and his companions, and of the Lord. Self-giving service is contagious. It always marks the lives of others when we serve in the name and after the example of Jesus. That aroma just lingers, and others are caught up in it.

Author: Jesse Middendorf

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