The Ever Faithful One

August 8th, 2021

RG AUDIO 080821


Psalm 9:1-10

Psalm 9 begins with a heart full of thanks for God’s wonderful deeds. Praise for the One who reigns, rules, and judges fairly. That is especially important if you are being oppressed and need refuge.

“Those who know your name trust in you” (Psalm 9:10a). To know God’s name is to have a relationship with Him. This is not simply name recognition, but intimacy. God’s character is not a mystery to those who have encountered His holiness, love, and mercy. We can trust God in time of trouble because we have experienced His salvation. We can cease from worry and rest in Him. His track record of promise keeping is perfect. God never forsakes those who seek Him.

Sometimes the answer we need is long coming. Hours of want or pain can stretch into days. Nevertheless, His deliverance will come. Your trust will be rewarded. Remember what you know about God to be true. Seek Him in prayer and thanksgiving. He is too holy to be unjust, and too loving to be unkind. His plans for us are good.

Author: Nora Brush

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