Be Open To Learn From God

October 29th, 2019

RG AUDIO 102919


Acts 10:10-23a

Chuck enjoys the weekly breakfasts with his church buddies, but is concerned when some of the men insist their political opinions are “Christian,” and that all believers must share the same views. Chuck sees things differently, and would even like to discuss other ways Christians can influence culture. He is new to the group, however, and doesn’t want to offend anyone.

In Acts 10, Peter receives a major culture shock. In a vision, he is told to do what he has been taught not to do: eat unclean food. Being Peter, he has to be told three times. Eventually, he realizes that the vision isn’t about food, but about prejudice, obedience, and the spread of the gospel.

God is asking Peter to follow Him, not tradition. It is a lesson that Peter sometimes has difficulty following. Later, Paul confronts Peter because he has withdrawn from eating with the uncircumcised Gentile believers when Jewish believers show up (Galatians 2:11-13).

When we have to choose between our culture—even “Christian” culture—and God, how can we be sure to choose God’s way?

Author: Karen Hiner


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