Power to Be Living Sacrifices

April 19th, 2019

RG AUDIO 041919


2 Timothy 1:1-12

Love means we often give up our own desires. We put the needs, interests, and desires of others first because we love them. Let’s face it, loving people is hard at times. Choosing love is hard at times; it requires sacrifice.

The Gospel of Christ boiled down to the most simple of things can be defined by the word: love. Are we willing to sacrifice in order to share the love of Jesus? God gives us power through the Holy Spirit enabling us to choose love and sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of the Gospel. But I’m an introvert—I’m calling you to sacrifice. I don’t like children—I’m calling you to sacrifice. But I’m not good at it—I’m calling your to sacrifice. We all have things that are easy for us and we happily do them for the Lord. However, we are being called to share the love of Jesus wherever and whenever we are able. We are being called out of our comfort zones. We are being called out of our giftedness. We are being called to sacrifice.

Author: Amy Scarlett


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