Walk in the Light

October 13th, 2018

RG AUDIO 101318


Romans 7:1-12

In my 16 years of pastoral ministry, I have noticed two things. First of all, many people, even in our churches, are “biblically illiterate,” meaning they don’t read or know a whole lot about what is actually in the Bible. Secondly, many people have false ideas about the character of God and the life he calls his people to live. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Ps. 119:105). Sadly, many are walking around largely in the dark!

One of the things God’s Word does is reveal our sin. We may not even realize an attitude or a behavior or a speech pattern does not honor God, until we are confronted by God’s truth. We may scoff or rebel against that for awhile. But the Holy Spirit doesn’t just want to point out our sin to us. He wants to transform us and to set us free from that sin. Continue to read God’s Word. As you read and study, may God continue to convict and lead and guide you into Christlikeness.

Author: Joel Parsons


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