Not Just Okay

March 21st, 2018

RG AUDIO 032118


Genesis 29:28-35

Leah was so unattractive that Laban felt it was necessary to pawn her off, unknowingly, on Jacob as his first wife. As much as we can say it was a different time and a different culture where arranged marriages were normal, we have scriptural evidence that this hurt Leah deep in her heart (Gen. 29:31-32, 34).

Author Beth Moore in her devotional book, “Breaking Free Day by Day” says that sometimes we choose our own path or walk in the path that God has for others. At the end of the day, the Christian says to God, “But Father, we ended up okay even if I didn’t walk with you every single day, didn’t we?” God’s answer is, “Yes, child, we ended up okay. But you see, ‘okay’ was never all I had in mind for you.”

Although we can admire Leah for “sticking with it,” going through life unhappy and hurt is not God’s intention for us. Just making it to the end, dragging our broken heart behind us is not how God wants us to finish. He wants us to get through each day and our life victoriously, living in the glory of his holiness.

Author: Rachelle Miller


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