An Epic Transformation

January 7th, 2016

RG AUDIO 010716


Luke 8:26-39

As Special Counsel to the President, Charles ‘Chuck’ Colson advised Richard Nixon from 1969-73. Known for being driven, politically-motivated, and ruthless in pursuit of his agenda, Colson was called Nixon’s “hatchet man.”

Yet, when Colson cried out to God in simple faith, unsure of the words to use or what to expect, he found his life transformed. Although initially mocked and ridiculed, Colson’s newfound faith was not unnoticed. Eventually, even his most ardent critics agreed the change was genuine. In the years following, until his passing in 2012, his life was a model of one transformed by Jesus Christ.

To the man possessed of demons, Jesus instructed, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you” (Luke 8:39). Go back among those who know your past. Allow the skeptics to examine your life. Let who you are now stand in stark contrast to who you once were. Tell your story; you can tell it better than anyone else. Your life will confirm the truth of your transformation.

Author: Gary Shank


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