David’s Prayer Patterns

April 9th, 2015

RG AUDIO 040915


Psalm 5:1-12

King David reveals the prayer patterns that helped him draw close to God.

David put God first. He met with God in the morning. Meeting with God was the first item on his agenda. David knew that effort directed by God leads to success.

David was honest with God about all his struggles. There was nothing hidden. He knew God as a friend who loved him as a father and was willing to hear everything is on his heart.

David expected God to respond to his prayers. David did not feel that prayer was some impersonal religious ritual. He knew he was in a personal conversation with the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and God of all creation. Since it was a conversation with a loving Heavenly Father, he expected a response.

What are your expectations of prayer? Are you transparent with God – do you trust Him enough to share everything with Him? Are you meeting with him before you plan your day, or do you ask him to bless your efforts afterwards? What would happen if communication with God was the first thing on your daily agenda?

Author: Larry R. Morris


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