Integrity before God

June 28th, 2014

RG AUDIO 062814

Daniel 6:1-14

As I write this, I’m sipping from a water bottle. It’s a good one with no unwanted holes in it. It’s whole and complete. It doesn’t leak. My bottle has watertight integrity.

Integrity means wholeness and completeness. For someone to live a life of integrity means God has made them whole. Their life holds water. Like my water bottle, they have been made to be complete.

Daniel was a person of integrity. He lived every day as the person God made him to be. We get a sense from Daniel 6 that he did not hesitate in his daily prayers, even though he knew his practice of faith might endanger his life.

I used to imagine Daniel as a highly courageous, rebellious, heroic person, making a bold, risky stand for his faith. Reading this story again, however, I think Daniel was simply living-out his integrity. Daniel was a person of prayer and faithfulness. He was who God had made him to be. His life held water, regardless of circumstance.

I wonder, does my life and faith exhibit that kind of integrity?

Author: Mark A. Hendrickson

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