We Can Only Imagine

December 17th, 2013

RG AUDIO 121713


Luke 4:1-13

How many times have you made a commitment to lose weight, start exercising, get more rest, have a better disposition, a better devotional/prayer life, be a better family member, or all of the above? Did overwhelming temptations defeat your intention?

Imagine Jesus surviving temptation during 40 days in the wilderness without food. The devil offered stones to make into bread, but Jesus resisted saying, “‘man shall not live on bread alone’” (v. 4). Think of the authority and splendor over the kingdoms of the world that Satan offered Jesus if He would worship him. Jesus answered: “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only’” (v. 8). Satan persisted, questioning Jesus’ Sonship, commanding Him to throw himself from the highest point of the temple. Jesus answered: “‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test’” (v. 12). Jesus determined to worship the Lord and serve Him only.

It is encouraging to know that Jesus understands our temptations, weaknesses, and failures.

Author: Nancy R. Henry


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