Eternal Rewards

November 19th, 2013

RG AUDIO 111913


Matthew 16:21-28

When awards are given, celebrations should ensue! It may be recognition for academic excellence, a raise at work, an honor for community leadership, these are all things to be joyous about. This world is full of rewards. They acknowledge people who are determined, who make sacrifices, who work hard, who achieve great things. But none of these rewards are lasting.

When Jesus returns there will be a judgment. We will be held accountable for how we lived our lives. The call of Christ has very little to do with earthly rewards. If we follow in the footsteps of our Savior we will be called on to make sacrifices. This is contrary to the world’s rewards. It’s contrary to our human nature! But it is the call.

We need to live lives that seek after God’s ways. The rewards we receive here should mirror our call to Christ. Let’s remember that the reward Jesus brings is lasting. Are we living today in a way that will receive that reward?

Author: Olivia Metcalf


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