Just A Shell

November 15th, 2013

RG AUDIO 111513

1 Corinthians 15:35-58

It is so comforting to know that when we go to heaven to be with Jesus, we get to trade our physical bodies for bodies that will never die! Most of us will likely endure some physical pain and discomfort during our time on earth. An unfathomable amount of money is spent worldwide each year trying to slow down the aging process. An even greater amount of money is spent on clothing, shoes, and accessories that draw attention to these shells that inhabit our souls.

As Christians, we have the Spirit of God dwelling inside of us! Our body is to be treated as a temple for our King and Creator. Someday we will die, and the shell we live in will not go with us for eternity. We have an opportunity to change our focus from improving our outer “shell” to seeking victory in our character instead. Integrity, honesty, and righteousness are all traits with infinite value. Asking God to convict us in areas of our lives that need spiritual growth will change our perspective from what is “seen” to what is eternal.

Author: Kirsten Rose


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