Rebellion to Restoration

February 16th, 2012

RG AUDIO 021612Psalm 106:1-12

Was it Moses or winds that parted the Red Sea? Over the years, scientists have sought to find a logical explanation for the parting of the Red Sea. Computer simulations suggest an east wind could have parted the waters. However, the dry land, exact timing of the crossing, and the Egyptian army swallowed in the waters present difficult to explain details. One person commented, “The scientific explanation takes more faith to believe than accepting the biblical account at face value.” How God chose to divide the waters is insignificant compared to why he chose to perform this miracle.

The people sinned, forgot God’s kindnesses, and rebelled at the Red Sea. When they saw their adversaries drowned, they believed God was with them. “Then they believed his promises and sang his praise” (Ps. 106:12).

Do we need a miracle to know God is with us? God is in the restoration business.


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