Redeemed By His Blood

December 29th, 2010


Ephesians 1:1-14

The word “redemption” is a striking word. It means retrieval, recovery, repossession. Satan is leading so many astray. Jesus Christ redeems all who come to him. His precious blood has atoned for every person. He takes back what the enemy has stolen.

A little boy lost his toy yacht as it drifted away from him across the lake. He was in tears and went home sobbing. The yacht was not seen for many weeks. Finally, it turned up in a second-hand shop window.
He went into the shop and caught the attention of the salesman. He soon found out that it was a new item only brought in the day before. He asked the salesman to put it on hold until the next day. He brought his grandfather who had made it for him. To his delight, a loving grandfather brought out his money, paid for it, and handed it to his grandson.

This is what redemption means. Jesus has redeemed you and me.

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