Remember 101

July 13th, 2010


God has charged Moses with a task now that their long journey was drawing to an end: Prepare the Israelites to possess the Promised Land. The skilled professor drove his point home. “Be careful . . . do not forget . . . do not let them slip from your heart as long as you live.”

Believers have short memories. God transforms us, and time erodes the glory of the moment. Or He guides us through an impossible crisis, and we forget He is able to do it again.

Ever the teacher, Moses no doubt painted vivid word pictures that day. Portraits of days gone by when God quenched their thirst with water gushing from a dry rock. Today if we listen closely, we can hear Moses cautioning us, “Be careful. . . do not forget. The God of past miracles is able and willing to do it again.”

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