Determined To Praise

October 5th, 2024

Hebrews 12:22-29

Life is full of “if/then’s.” Ideally, if we exercise regularly and eat wholesome foods, we may prolong our lives and be healthier people. If we drive on the side of caution on the highway, then it stands to reason we won’t get into an accident. If we treat one another as we want to be treated, then the behavior of kindness or respect is returned.

Scripture is clear that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life (John 3:16). Hebrews 12 reminds us that on this act we are citizens of the new Jerusalem, the city of the living God, members of a family who partake in a kingdom that cannot be shaken. We often forget this, becoming nearsighted, focused on our own problems.

What if we were determined to praise God for this precious promise as inheritors of this unshakable kingdom? Would not our hearts leap with joy and be encouraged greatly?

Friend, God’s kingdom cannot be shaken. Are you now even more determined to praise Him?

Author: Matt Zimmer

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