A Peculiar People

September 23rd, 2024

Daniel 6:1-9

Holiness people are a peculiar people. Throughout the history of the movement, going back to its early Methodist ancestors, the ways that Holiness people have gone about their lives in steady devotion to God have stood out in common society. Holiness people are a peculiar people because of their habits of heart and mind.

Throughout Daniel’s story, he had experienced numerous changes of fortune. From political prisoner and exile to provincial governor, Daniel had experienced it all. When his political opponents looked to criticize his performance of royal duties, they discovered quickly that Daniel’s integrity was sound.

A consistent faith—one that is not shaken by the waves and winds of life or the dizzying speed of cultural change around us—can see us through the toughest of seasons, but it also might make us easier targets for criticism from those looking to hurt us. May our steadfast faith in the God who protects always cause us to stand out rather than blend in.

Author: Grant Miller


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