God Sees Us Through

September 17th, 2024

Daniel 5:10-17

I know a staff member who was wrongly accused at her workplace of misconduct. It caused a stir in the workplace. Ultimately, evidence proved that the staff member was in the clear and had acted honorably.

The thing that most impressed me through this situation was the calmness of the accused staff member. As a believer, she put her trust in God. She knew God had called her to the work, she had done her job properly, and God would take care of her.

She didn’t do any of this for praise or accolades. She remained true to her God. She trusted God to bring her through. Daniel, known for his abilities, was called before the king to interpret the incredible events that had transpired. The king wanted to know: Could Daniel interpret this astounding message? If so, he would have riches lavished on him.

Daniel, however, did not do these things for his own good. He was faithful and true to God, and therefore able to witness to those around him through his God-given abilities.

What is your life saying about God?

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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