The Bride of Christ

September 15th, 2024

Revelation 21:1-8

The words in Revelation 21 are striking and memorable. A new heaven, new earth. He will wipe away every tear. I am making everything new. The Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Yet as powerful as the words are, so too is the image that opens the chapter. The Holy City, “prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (v. 2).

The longtime success of the bridal shop reality television show on TLC, “Say Yes to the Dress,” is a reminder of that image: the perfect dress, the perfect wedding, the perfect bride. The image, already introduced in Revelation 19, is that of the pure bride, approaching the wedding feast of the Lamb, without stain or blemish.

And who is the bride? It is the church, says Paul (Ephesians 5), the body of believers. At our best, we, the people of God, are ready for His coming.

Author: Joann Shade


One Response to “The Bride of Christ”

  1. Marion Mitchum Says:

    September 15th, 2024 at 7:36 am

    I’m anxiously awaiting the new heaven and new earth. I pray daily that the Lord will come soon and heal our nation.

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