Instead of a Steed

September 6th, 2024

Luke 21:10-19

Paintings of Jesus riding sidesaddle on a little donkey puzzled me as a child. I grew up watching cowboys on television, guns blazing, riding on big stallions. If Jesus had to have long hair and a robe, couldn’t He at least have a noble steed?

He could have, of course. God often chooses the weak for His biggest jobs. It makes so little sense to our society, but God works not in human ways.

David might be the best example of this. Goliath thought David was a joke—literally! And when Samuel first went to find the new king of Israel, God instructed him not to be superficial: “Do not consider his appearance or his height” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Perhaps this is the so called “foolishness of God.” He enjoys using the feeble to achieve victory over the powerful. Never feel powerless with God on your side. If you look down and find that you are riding into battle on a little donkey, it might mean that the battle belongs to the Lord.

Author: Tyler Blake

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One Response to “Instead of a Steed”

  1. Ed Hopkins Says:

    September 6th, 2024 at 5:42 am

    The scripture for this devotional should be 1 Corinthians 1:25-31.

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