God Will Help

August 29th, 2024

Isaiah 50:4-10

“The Sovereign Lord helps me” (v. 7). This little phrase makes a gigantic claim. Read it again. Is this your testimony? Have you heard other people make this claim? When part of our story, it can make a significant difference in how we see ourselves in whatever situation we may be in. If the Sovereign Lord helps me, then . . . what?

According to the prophet Isaiah, we can “listen like one being instructed” (v. 4), we no longer need to “hide” (v. 6), we will not be “disgraced” or “shamed” (v. 7) or “condemned” (v. 9), and we can “face each other” (v. 8). These are just a few of the ways the Lord can help us. What would you add to this list?

Needing the help of others, including God, can feel scary. What if my request is rejected? What if nobody cares? Jesus faced such vulnerable feelings as He suffered and approached a death like what Isaiah describes in this chapter. Remembering how God (and others) have helped in the past can inspire us to trust in God, to rely on God again. As our trust deepens, what has felt like darkness becomes light in the Lord (v. 10).

Author: Doug Hardy


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