Gifts That Contribute

August 28th, 2024

Daniel 1:15-21

Daniel’s experiment (vv. 11-14) was successful. The Chaldeans faithfully witnessed to their God, the God of Israel—creator and lover of all.

This God, revealed even more fully in Jesus, is a giver of good gifts (cf. James 1:17). Notice the gifts God gave to the four young Israelites: knowledge and understanding of literature, learning, visions, and dreams. Why these gifts? Because the context in which they were placed valued these things, and God’s intention was that His representatives would serve and contribute to that which mattered in that context. In what context has God placed you? What gifts has God given you that will serve and contribute to your context?

God certainly seems to value wisdom and wants leaders to be wise (Dan. 1:21). Wisdom and understanding are things you can confidently ask God for. Pause right now and ask God to make you wise in how you handle your relationships, your resources, and your work.

Author: Doug Hardy

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