Always Ready

August 23rd, 2024

Matthew 24:36-44

I have a special place in my heart for firefighters. One of my favorite firefighters will sometimes tell me he “went fast and saved the day.” Sometimes, firefighters get teased that all they do is play, eat, and sleep. While it’s true that they do have a lot of down time, they never know when it’s going to be time to “go fast and save the day.” Firefighters must always be ready and willing to drop whatever they are doing and serve humanity.

My pastor will often use the phrase, “We give God glory in all things” as he prays. When we give God glory, we acknowledge that God indeed is worthy. We reaffirm our awareness that every good and perfect gift is indeed a product of His mighty hand. We are reminded that without the work Christ did on the cross, we would be nothing. We claim the promise that, although we don’t know when, one sweet day, Christ will return for His bride.

In the meantime, we wait. We work, play, sleep, and eat. We affirm, love, and encourage. And we do it all in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Author: Andrea Talley


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