Amply Rewarded

August 20th, 2024

Revelation 22:8-14

I’m all about the little extras that come from every day purchases. Purchasing ground beef, taco shells, and queso translates into points that save on gasoline. Stylish shorts and T-shirts bought online using a credit card translates into cash back that will make the holiday season bright. Shopping smart has its rewards.

Living Christlike has its rewards as well. Revelations tells us that eternal life walking the streets of gold is a Christ-follower’s reward. It also tells us that each of us will be rewarded according to what we have done. The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what this might entail, but it does say that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4, paraphrased). This tells me, along with the fact that God knows us intimately, that we will be pleased with what we receive.

Things done today for Christ have eternal value—not just for the recipients of those good deeds, but for us as well, as we look forward to an eternity with our Savior.

Author: Andrea Talley


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