He Will Return

August 8th, 2024

Matthew 24:1-8

Even though there have always been wars, rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes since the beginning of time, we still look around us at times with a great amount of fear. However, this is really just a way of saying, “The whole earth is experiencing brokenness, and we don’t know the day/time when Christ will return to make things right.”

These things are equated with birth pains, and while contractions can bring fear, if you know someone who has given birth, or if you have given birth yourself, you know that by the time the contractions come, there is also a great sense of relief, hope, and joy that the long-awaited baby is coming.

When we look around our world at the ways in which things have gone wrong, we can have confidence and hope. While we do not know the day or the hour of Christ’s coming to make all things right, we know that He will come someday. We can sigh with relief, hope, and joy that, while there is still pain to be endured, Christ is coming.

Author: Robbie Cansler

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