Picture Perfect

August 3rd, 2024

Psalm 111:1-10

My paternal grandparents lived in a cozy little home most of their marriage.

While there are many things that come to mind when I think of that home, one of my memories includes a large picture that hung over their couch and now hangs in my own home. This picture features a calm, clear lake surrounded by a striking mountain range set against a bright blue sky. The picture is breathtaking and one I know my grandparents appreciated.

Life doesn’t always involve breathtaking sights or amazing adventures. We can be burdened by the violence and hate in our world. A variety of struggles (financial, relational, medical) can make each day feel like you are swimming upstream.

However, God’s great works are still there to be “ponder[ed] by all” (v. 2). Among the amazing things of God that the psalmist shares is this: “He remembers his covenant” (v. 5). What is God’s covenant? Immanuel: God with us. No matter the view, God is with us and that is truly breathtaking!

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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