With A Grateful Heart

July 27th, 2024

Hebrews 12:22-28

As I’ve worked with a variety of elementary school students over the last couple of years, it has been fascinating to notice manners. The child that says “thank you” unprompted is always a pleasant surprise, and unfortunately, doesn’t happen often enough. It always catches me a bit unaware, and leaves me feeling a sunny bit of happiness.

Gratitude can do that—it creates pockets of warmth, goodwill, and more gratitude. Think of a time when you received a sincere, heart-felt thanks. How did it make you feel? You may not have been motivated by the idea of reciprocation, but it can be a pleasant side effect.

Now think of God and all that God has done, is doing, and will do for you through God’s love. Amazing, right?! What do you say to that? Thank you, of course! I imagine that our gratitude is welcomed by our Creator. Just as we appreciate a sincere gesture of gratitude, God also appreciates our thanks.

Make a list of all the grace, love, and joy that God has bestowed on you and give thanks!

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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