The Ultimate Authority: Love

June 27th, 2024

Romans 13:1-7

It is no secret that for many, life has become polarized. Some bemoan the fact that friends, family, and community members can no longer have a discussion about a topic and remain on speaking terms (much less cordial or friendly).

Paul, addressing the church in Rome, brings up the topic of those in authority and eventually comments on paying whatever is owed (taxes, revenue, respect, or honor). Romans 13 can become a rallying flag for those looking to use worldly, political power in the kingdom of God. I want to encourage us, however, to not stop reading at verse 7. Look at the next words from Paul: “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law” (v. 8).

The ultimate authority—love. The ultimate payment—love. The final word about who to serve—love. Without love, we are nothing but noisemakers causing a stir. Without love, we cannot pay our debts or forgive the debt owed us. We must love.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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