Prepared to Pay?
March 20th, 2025
Matthew 7:7-14
When Jesus looked out over His audience, He already knew who had showed up, and what was their primary interest or concern. Given the diversity of each crowd, Jesus could safely assume that there were some very hungry people in His audience.
In Matthew 7, Jesus reveals His extensive knowledge of His audience. Just as surely now as then, Jesus knows what you really want when you listen to His words in the Scriptures, songs, or sermons you hear.
If Jesus was here speaking to us, He could very well have asked us three questions:
• What do you want in life?
• Will you share it?
• Are you prepared to pay the price for what you want?
Can you hear his response? Ask, seek, and knock. Do this and you’ll get to where you really want to go. When you get to where you want to be, will you share it with others? Isn’t that what you would want others to do for you?
Finally, Jesus, knowing us from the inside out, would want to know: Are you prepared to pay the price for what you want?
Author: David Felter
March 20th, 2025 at 8:30 pm
I’m a longtime Nazarene. Your insight into Jesus’ words, or should I say questions appear heaven sent. Thank you.