Jesus Found Him

March 14th, 2025

John 9:24-34      

Have you ever been in a crowd of worshipers when the joy was so great everyone was clapping and praising?

Worshiping God, feeling His presence, calls forth different responses. King David danced before the Lord. An adoring woman washed Jesus’ feet with her tears.

I believe the man in John 9 bowed before Jesus in awe and wonder. Now he could truly see. Not only with physical eyes, but with newly-washed spiritual eyes. He saw Jesus was not just a man, not just a prophet. He saw Jesus as truly God and worthy of all praise. It didn’t matter that he had been thrown out of the temple. Jesus, the Lord of that holy place, had found him.

Jesus is still looking for worshipers. He is wanting to open spiritually-blind eyes to visions of hope and joy. When Jesus finds someone who is truly open to truth, miracles happen. Sins are forgiven. Peace with God comes. Love abounds.

When Jesus, the Light of the World finds us, He says, “Come, follow me.”

Author: Nora Brush

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One Response to “Jesus Found Him”

  1. Don Says:

    March 14th, 2025 at 6:17 am

    The scripture for today should probably be John 9:35-41.

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