Light Sight

March 11th, 2025

John 9:1-12       

John 9 is an echo of John 1. When speaking of the “Word” who was with God at the beginning of creation, John wrote, “In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind” (1:4). Light, as spiritual truth, comes as a gift through Jesus.

By our Creator’s design, we see physically when light strikes the retina. The retina sends signals by way of the optic nerve to our brain. Similarly, we need the light that comes from Jesus to receive the gift of spiritual vision.

Jesus did God’s work by healing the man born blind. God’s wonderful redeeming work is done when the light of Jesus strikes a sin-dark soul. Spiritually-blind eyes are opened. Cleansed by the blood of Jesus, God’s light comes blazing in.

Great changes were ahead for this healed man. Many did not even recognize him as the blind beggar they had known. Great changes come to all whose eyes are opened to new life in Jesus. They lead to a walk with the Savior who is the way, the truth, and the life.

Author: Nora Brush

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