Witnesses To Jesus

March 5th, 2025

John 5:31-40       

Occasionally, I enjoy watching court TV. I am always amazed at how the testimony of a witness can either make or break a case. Discredit the witness’s testimony for the prosecution and the pendulum swings in favor of the defendant. Discredit the witness’s testimony for the defense and the pendulum swings in favor of the prosecution. One lesson we learn from watching is that no two eyewitnesses share the exact same experience. One will see and remember details that the other did not see.

Testimony about Jesus came from five sources. Jesus could not testify for himself according to Jewish law. John the Baptist was the voice in the wilderness preparing the way for the Messiah. The Father testified of Jesus’ power through the works Jesus was sent to accomplish. The Father spoke to Jesus’ authority at His baptism in the Jordan River. The people searched the Scriptures for answers, but Jesus said in effect, “You’re searching for eternal life in the Scriptures that are pointing you to me!”

When you’re searching for answers and you don’t understand, take your shoes off, and sit with Jesus for a while.

Author: Angela Wilson

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3 Responses to “Witnesses To Jesus”

  1. FredCulver Says:

    March 5th, 2025 at 9:16 am

    Slow down your reading ple a a e

  2. mike wonch Says:

    March 5th, 2025 at 9:42 am

    Thank you for your comments. These are recorded, but will keep your input in mind for the future.

  3. Marcela Luna Says:

    March 5th, 2025 at 10:33 am

    @Fred Culver … If you click on the three little dots on the right hand side you can slow down the playback speed. 🙂

    Beautiful podcast today.

    When we’re searching for answers, let us be still in His Holy and Magnificent Presence.

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