Life-Giving Bread
February 24th, 2025
John 6:25-34
Distractions, speed bumps, interruptions, detours, squirrels, and shiny objects all have one thing in common. They can keep us from focusing on what really matters.
Jesus fed the 5,000, avoided a forced coronation, walked on water, and called it a day. In the meantime, the crowd Jesus had just fed came looking for another meal. They came looking for another handout. They demanded Jesus show them miracles and prove His identity . . . while questioning His command of history. They felt entitled.
We get it. We can get distracted by the 30-second video or the five-second soundbite. We catch a glimpse of something we like and we’re stuck thinking it’s what we “need.” That was the crowd’s perspective problem.
Like them, we think we need a quick fix, a little dose of life. In reality, we need more than a spiritual snack to hold us over. We need eternal life. Jesus teaches that He is the source of more than what we think we need. He’s the life-giving bread that satisfies our real needs forever.
Author: Chad Garinger