Mind The Light

February 20th, 2025

Ephesians 5:8-17        

Recently we came home after work and school to walk into a completely dark house. Not a single light was on; complete darkness filled the rooms. Quickly, the children grabbed some candles to shed some light. Just one tiny flame chased away the absorbing darkness.

We are called to live as “children of light” (v. 8), which means we will inherently drive away darkness with our Christlike light. We cannot help but shine like the flame of a candle when we are following Christ. We cannot help but illuminate all things we shine on (v. 13). It is the nature of Christians.

Our power outage that day was caused when a tree branch fell, pulling down the power line to our house. A simple tree branch disconnected us to the light. The author of Ephesians warns us to watch for even the most simple disconnection. We are to live as the wise, taking every opportunity to feed the flame of the light of Christ in our hearts.

How are you minding the opportunities in your life to increase the light of Christ in your life?

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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