Teaching Time

February 17th, 2025

John 6:1-7        

It feels a bit funny that Jesus asked His disciples a question He already had an answer for—and likely just to see what they would say. Undoubtedly, everyone was weary and ready for a meal. In order to go on nourishment was needed.

The problem was a lack of food, money, and eating establishments. Where would the food come from? Jesus knew. He had a plan. Before He revealed that plan, He asked His closest followers, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” (v. 5). Perhaps Jesus wanted to see how the disciples would react. Maybe Jesus was making space for a special learning moment.

Whatever the reason, the disciples were shortsighted in their response: How in the world would they be able to pay for that?! All they could find was a child’s sack lunch! I wonder if Jesus shook His head a little when he asked for the small boy’s lunch.

Any moment can become a teaching moment with God. Instead of running ahead and performing the miracle, Jesus took the time to engage His disciples, inviting them to look closer. What is God inviting you to learn today?

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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One Response to “Teaching Time”

  1. Marcela Luna Says:

    February 17th, 2025 at 3:38 pm

    To not depend on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And also to not trust in chariots or horses, but TRUST in the name of our Lord God.

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