Living By Faith
February 12th, 2025
Romans 1:8-17
Our small church in Nebraska owed one last payment to the law firm in our $37,000 lawsuit. The contractor had died, leaving a dozen subcontractors unpaid. Our good people had given, given, and given some more. Prayerfully, I sat in my study on a Thursday afternoon, sensing the Lord telling me to receive an offering the next Sunday and present the final check to our attorney right there in the service!
I called my wife and told her. She asked, “Are you sure this is the Lord?” I was. I then called our lawyer and invited him to the service. Prior to any kind of social media, our people came to church that Sunday morning with no warning of another offering.
I preached the message God had given me and then we passed the plates. We sang a song as we waited for the total count. To God’s glory, we raised more money from those 40 people than what we needed and presented our tearful attorney with a check that morning! What a celebration!
Is that the way you live the Christian life? I call it “out on a limb faith!”
Author: Danny Goddard