Always Obey

February 10th, 2025

John 4:43-54       

The “royal official” is not identified, but his son was gravely ill in Capernaum. Evidently remembering the water being turned to wine, he had travelled the 25 miles to Cana to ask Jesus to come and heal his son. Jesus didn’t go, but merely told the father to “Go.” His son was healed.

I’ve learned to always obey the voice of the Spirit. One afternoon, out calling as a pastor, I began to feel that I should call on a certain woman who was new in our church. She wasn’t on my agenda and I assured the Lord that I would catch her the next day. The farther I drove, however, the stronger the feeling, until I turned around and went to her house.

Because of my obedience, the Lord used me to lead that woman to the Lord right there in her living room! A few weeks later, I did the same for her husband.

It always pays to mind the voice of God. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21).

Author: Danny Goddard


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