Show and Tell

February 6th, 2025

John 4:28-42     

Jesus did not come only to show others the way to live and tell them about a better way. He came to break the power of sin and replace it with the power to sin no more.

When Jesus revealed himself to the woman, she left “her water jar, . . . went back to the town” (v. 28), and told the people. This indicates she left in a hurry, and she intended to return.

When the gospel message spreads, it begins with an introduction. The woman went into the town, related her encounter, and invited them to come. The invitation is for all to come, including the despised Samaritan woman who came to the well at a time when others did not. A transformation occurred, reflecting her encounter with Jesus, and she wanted to tell others.

However, this was not enough. “They came out of the town and made their way toward him. . . . Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony” (vv. 30, 39). An encounter with Jesus frees us from the past and promises us a future.

Author: Lynda T. Boardman

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